What was achieved by the Dutch development efforts in 2018? An overview of all results can be found on the website created by Zolabo. This annual report is now created for the second time by Zolabo and we are currently working on the publication for 2020. The online report presents clear information about results achieved both in English and Dutch.

Anyone interested in the development cooperation efforts of the Dutch Government can see what happened on the various policy areas and what was achieved. The publication emphasizes on the facts but also shows important background information on projects.

The challenge of reporting results to a broad audience is to make it simple while staying true to the facts. Measuring indicators like these is quite complex, and we don't want to get too technical. However we need to sketch a fair image of what's going on.
In this project we collaborated closely with the Ministry as well as the communications agency VOXX. Zolabo was responsible for all the design work and development of the website. There were a lot of stakeholders involved in the project and getting all the information together was a challenge on itself. At the start of the project we agreed on clear formats of information and set up a semi-automated workflow. For this purpose Zolabo created a small custom Content Management System (CMS) that enabled stakeholders to easily and quickly make edits in the text and data.

Before we created the 2019 version, we evaluated the previous report to learn and improve the effectiveness of our communication. For this purposes we conducted user interviews and gathered feedback on the original version of 2018. With these findings we could further improve this report which was published in May 2019. The backend of this project was build in PHP, the frontend is in vanilla Javascript. Zolabo was also responsible for hosting the solution.
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